We use the latest and most advanced available treatment options to not only minimize pain but more importantly to improve physical, mental and emotional function. From traditional acupuncture, therapeutic massage, active patient specific physical therapy, ergonomics, injury prevention, psychological screening, weight loss program to interventional pain management techniques to get to source of pain and advanced pain interventions such as spinal cord stimulator and neuromodulator program, kyphoplasty, percutaneous disc decompression techniques and others, we are dedicated to limit patient pain suffering and improve quality of life.
Combining active and targeted physical rehabilitation therapies with advanced pain management interventions is key for early recovery and favorable outcome. Inadequately treated pain can lead to the development of chronic pain syndromes with its debilitating multi-system & organ impairments.
Where you receive the initial treatment for your pain can make all the difference.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a specialized medical profession that provides individually tailored programs that help patients improve physical function, mobility, decrease pain, and maintain or regain independence.
Our therapists can help individuals who face a wide range of conditions of musculoskeletal and orthopedic origin, back/neck pain, joint-related disorders (such as arthritis), sports injuries, balance problems, and post-surgical rehabilitation. Most spine & musculosketal pains are result of repetitive, cumulative micro-injuries. Major scientific in managing spine pain indicate exercise and overall fitness level to be the single most key factor in injury recovery.
The therapist, physician and patient work together as a team to meet progressive recovery goals. Treatments may include manual therapy (hands-on); stretching and strengthening exercises; balance training activities; therapeutic exercise; and patient education to promote healing and avoid re-injury.
Our treatment philosophy combines skilled hands-on physical therapy with superior patient education, conditioning, and specific strengthening/stretching programs. Objective measurements are utilized to chart patient progress and outcomes. This multi-faceted approach is designed to restore functional movement, relieve pain and promote healing and recovery. Our emphasis on teaching injury prevention, functional restoration and healthy behaviors helps patients to maintain the improvements made as a result of their therapy and return more rapidly to their work and activities of daily living.
If acute or subacute episodes last longer than 6-8 weeks or recurs our proactive pain management program aggressively treat episodes with non operative interventional pain management options. This is standard of care at our practice, as delayed treatment may lead to chronic pain syndrome, disability, depression and disuse and overall delay in return to function. Early return to function and or work is key in the long term prognosis and the impact of the condition on patients overall well being.